The Veteto Foundation

Excellence in Teaching Award

Nomination Form

The Veteto Foundation is awarding up to five outstanding teachers an award of $5,000 each in order to recognize their value and service to the community of Hobbs.  The award will be presented annually to K-12 classroom teachers.  A teacher must have a minimum of five years teaching experience with the Hobbs Municipal Schools.  A recipient of this award will be eligible again in five years.   Deadline is March 15, 2024

Criteria for selection process:  Teacher must evidence ability to:

  1. Develop a positive attitude in students toward school and learning;
  2. Earn the respect of students, peers, and parents;
  3. Inspire and reach students of all backgrounds and abilities;
  4. Be a resource for other teachers in their subject area;
  5. Demonstrate exceptional knowledge in their subject area;
  6. Ready students to leave their class for the next grade level, college, or the workforce.
  7. Be recognized as outstanding by other teachers and administrators

    Name of Nominee*:

    Subjects taught*:

    Grade Level*:

    Number of Years taught*:

    Current School*:

    Name of Nominator(s) and Title (i.e. Parent, Teacher, Principal, Administrator, student).
    No anonymous applications will be accepted; however, all nominations are strictly confidential.*

    Statement by nominators as to why this teacher is being nominated.*

    How does the teacher meet the criteria listed in the beginning of this application?

    A) Develop a positive attitude in students toward school and learning;

    B) Earn the respect of students, peers, and parents;

    C) Inspire and reach students of all backgrounds and abilities.

    D) Be a resource for other teachers in their subject area;

    E) Demonstrate exceptional knowledge in their subject area;

    F) Ready students to leave their class for the next grade level, college, or the workforce;

    G) Be recognized as outstanding by other teachers and administrators.

    You may attach any statements of support for your nominee from another teacher or administrator.
    (max file size of 5MB, acceptable file types; jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, docx)

    Below information must be filled out in order for submission to count.

    Nominator Phone Number*: Nominator Email*:

    Deadline is March 15, 2024